
Graduation etiquette: What you should know

To carry out an excellent graduation, it is important to implement the graduation protocol. On the other hand, photos are beneficial for you on the day of your graduation since you will be able to keep in mind the best moments of that day. You just need to count on a graduation photography service.

The graduation protocol is something essential to know in order to be aware of the graduation program and thus know at what time you can have a photo session for your graduation; it is something that can mean a lot because this way you can save those beautiful memories and the most beautiful moments that arise during graduation, but before doing the session, it is important that you know what is the protocol for graduation, so that the session does not clash with the graduation.

It is no secret that graduations have their rituals and customs that have taken root over time. Some details may have been changed, depending on the institute, even the country where it is held. But it will always maintain its essence.

Previous graduation celebration

graduation protocol ideas -graduation event Gilbert az

The moment before the big event is something that can make graduates anxious. Because it is here that they begin to feel the nerves and excitement that invades them for having achieved the goal of graduating.

This is one of the most important moments in their lives, as it marks the end of a stage of their lives. The end of their academic stage, and it is something that fills more than one with nerves. Before the celebration there are 3 elements to take into account.

Dress code

Traditionally, graduation is held with a cap and gown. The colors of the cap and gown depend on the school to which the graduate belongs. There are some that use the colors of the school and in some cases, the color symbolizes the degree obtained or the academic area of the graduate.

There are institutions that prefer to dispense with the cap and gown, and indicate that the attire to be used should be formal attire. In the case of military colleges, they prefer that graduates wear the formal uniform.


These are given to the participants in advance. The graduation is attended only by the people closest to the student who is about to graduate. These people are usually family members, such as mom, dad, siblings, grandparents, partners.

The institution will determine how many tickets will be given to the student. A minimum of 2 tickets is always given, but more may be given, depending on the capacity of the space where the ceremony will be held.

Location and organization

For the realization of the event, there are people in charge of the location and organization of the graduating students. These people are the protocol of the institution, and ensure that everything goes smoothly.

The protocol will be in charge of placing the students either in the seats at the front of the stage or at the sides. Students will be seated in sections. It is important that graduates arrive at the indicated time so as not to cause a delay while they are being seated.

Graduation protocol

There are several steps that must be taken and respected in order for the graduation to go well. It is important that both the graduates and the attendees behave in a good manner and that they wear the appropriate dress codes for the graduation. The steps to be taken during the graduation are as follows:


This is the beginning of the graduation ceremony or event. Here the graduates should be seated in their designated seats. The master of ceremony will give the words of welcome to begin the academic ceremony.

National Anthem

Once the welcoming words are given, the hymns will be sung, both the national anthem and the school anthem. The hymns deserve respect and rules for singing and listening to them must be followed.

– Do not applaud their interpretation.

– Stand upright, let your arms loose and be upright.

– Do not move from the place where you are.

Remarks by the director or rector

The director or rector of the house of studies will give a speech to the graduates. This will be a speech about the importance of having finished the studies. Giving encouragement to go ahead and fight. This speech will be given on behalf of the institution or should not last more than 10 minutes.

Awards for the best students

This part will take place before the presentation of diplomas to all graduates. It is a recognition given to the most outstanding students of the course and to those who obtained the highest grades.

A word from the best student of the grade

One of the graduates will be asked to say a few words on behalf of the group. Usually it is always the student with the highest grade point average. Your speech proposal should be submitted to the secretary in advance. The maximum length of the speech is usually about 5 minutes.

Presentation of diploma

Diplomas will be awarded in alphabetical order as students are called to the podium to receive their graduation diploma. This student must greet the directors and receive his or her diploma from them.

Parade of graduates

Here all the graduates parade through the auditorium and amidst cheers and applause from those attending the event, honors are given to all those students who finally managed to complete their studies.

Farewell to the directors

This is the culmination of the ceremony. The institute’s officers will say a final word to end the ceremony. There are occasions when a farewell song is played, which may be a traditional high school song, or it may also be chosen by the graduates.

Importance of a photographer before, during and after graduation ceremony

Graduation Protocol photography service in Gilbert az

Having a photography service for graduation events in Gilbert az is a great advantage for those who want to have the memories of this great day. Since it is a day of great importance.

The professional photographer for graduation events in Gilbert az will take pictures before, during and after the event, so you will not miss any detail of the graduation, and you can always remember this great day. There are many ideas for the graduation event in Gilbert az, which with the help of the photographer can be fulfilled.

Having a photo shoot on your graduation day may be something you haven’t thought about, but you can have one with the help of a professional Gilbert az. graduation event photographer to make the best memories of that special day. In addition, to know how much a photography professional charges.

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